Thursday, November 27, 2014

Oh no, Claire Bear!

Dearest Claire, 

You are now 18 months old! It has been so fun and truly amazing to watch you grow, talk, walk, and learn...every week you do something new. You play like a champion and have become more interactive with us as we play. You have little inside jokes! Papa "loves" the stuffed animal kitty you have and you tease him by taking it away from him. The picture shows a little inside joke you have with Nana. When you see her, you slap your head and she says, "Oh no!" and does the same. You two giggle and share sweet smiles! Go Bear! 

Love always, 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Claire = Princess Ariel ❤️

Dear Claire, 
Halloween 2014 was your first official adventure of trick-or-treating and it was so much fun! You weren't sure what to think at first but when we went to the first house and they smiled at you and gave you candy, you were excited!! We went to the street with all the lights and across the street to our neighbors. By that house, you actually walked in their front door you were so excited. They gave you candy and let you play with their puppy. It was a successful Halloween! 
Love you always, 